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sitelen in sitelen pona
sitelen in sitelen sitelen
Pronunciation /ˈsi.te.len/
Usage 2023: Core (100% → )2022: Core (100%)
Book and era nimi pu
Part of speech Content word
Codepoint 󱥠 U+F1960

sitelen is a core content word relating to visual depictions.[1]


The word sitelen is derived from Dutch schilderen, meaning "to paint".[2]

Semantic space

The semantic space of sitelen includes visual depictions, such as pictures, illustrations, symbols, and writing. As a transitive verb, it refers to creating a depiction, focusing to the aspect of creation instead of communication.[3]


In the "Official Toki Pona Dictionary" section, the book Toki Pona: The Language of Good defines sitelen as:

NOUN  image, picture, representation, symbol, mark, writing


For Toki Pona Dictionary, respondents in ma pona pi toki pona translated these English words as sitelen:

picture5, image5, graphic5, symbol5, drawing5, illustration5, photo5, write4, painting4, illustrate4, writing4, written4, depict4, draw4, photograph4, portrait3, icon3, representation3, mark3, portray3, record2, render2, text2, note2, sign2, pattern2, graph2, poster2, compose2, letter (of alphabet)2

sitelen pona

The sitelen pona glyph for sitelen is derived from the closed box radical (lipu) with an ellipsis inside. Despite the box shape already containing a symbol, modifier glyphs are often scaled inside sitelen. It is inconsistent whether the ellipsis is moved above or below the modifier glyph.


  1. lipamanka. "toki pona dictionary".
  2. "Word Origins". Archived from the original on 8 August 2002.
  3. jan Juwan [@juwan.]. (9 November 2023). [Message posted in the #sona-kulupu channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 10 November 2023. "when using sitelen as meaning 'to write' as in 'mi sitelen e lipu', which aspect is more important".
    Which of the following aspects is more relevant to the semantic space of sitelen?
    Option Votes
    Drawings symbols itself 82
    Communicating through writing 5
    Other 3