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wi in sitelen pona
Pronunciation /wi/ 🔊
Usage 2023: Not notable (1% ↗︎ )Caution: Most speakers don't understand this word.2022: Obscure (0%)
Book and era No book (post-pu)
Part of speech Content word

wi is a marginal content word and an alternate first person pronoun to mi.


The word wi is derived from the English word we, meaning "we". It was coined by jan inwin in 2007.[1]

Semantic space

The semantic space is as any first person exclusive pronoun. It can be used as a modifier to indicate possession over something by the speaker, but not by the target of the message. It does not mark number.

wi li lon insa kulupu

wi li lon insa kulupu

We are in the group

soweli ni li soweli wi

soweli ni li soweli wi

That animal is our pet (not yours)

sitelen pona

The sitelen pona glyph for wi (wi) is composed of the sitelen pona glyph mi (mi) repeated twice, then reflected horizontally to not be confused with "mi mi" (mi mi). It may represent two right hands pointing inwards (see sitelen pona of mi).


Further reading